Monday, February 07, 2005

Bend over for Bush budget.

Bush Sending Congress $2.5T Spending Plan This is a link to the quotes below, its part of a larger story.

"One of the most politically sensitive targets on Bush's hit list is the government support program for farmers, which he wants to trim by $587 million in 2006 and by $5.7 billion over the next decade. Price supports would be reduced for a wide range of crops, from cotton and rice to corn, soybeans and wheat."
"The military budget would rise 4.8 percent to $419.3 billion in 2006, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. That figure does not include the $80 billion the administration has said it soon will seek to pay for the costs of continued military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan."
"About one-third of the programs being targeted for elimination are in the Education Department, including federal grant programs for local schools in such areas as vocational education, anti-drug efforts and Even Start, a $225 million literacy program."


You can't say you didn't see any of this happening, and its only just started. We have almost 4 more years of this administration. I laughed when thinking about no child left behind. When voting for him, I bet a lot of people said, "I don't care it won't effect me". Well bend over people, get ready for the President Bush budget dance; its going to get quite painful.


Bush's budget may be tough sell at Capitol

"Bush's $2.5 trillion budget proposal would eliminate some funding for education, environmental protection and business development, while significantly increasing military and international spending, according to administration documents.

Overall, discretionary spending other than defense and homeland security would fall by nearly 1 percent, the first time in many years that funding for the major part of the budget controlled by Congress would actually go down, according to officials with access to the budget. Discretionary spending is spending other than on entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare.

The cuts are aimed at helping to meet Bush's goal of cutting the budget deficit in half by 2009. One out of every three of the targeted programs concerns education. Medicaid funding would be reduced significantly, and even major military-weapons programs would be scrapped to make more resources available for the war in Iraq."


Wow thats a lofty goal, cut the budget deficit in half by 2009. How about getting us back to the budget surplus we had in the first place. Please try not to say its because of the wars, they aren't even included in his budget. Yes, another 80 billion he choose to leave out of his budget. As a side note he left out SSI as well.


I bet a lot of the people who voted for him in the first place would love the chance to do a recall. In the end I wonder how many will admit to voting for this very poor excuse of a President.

Until next time,