Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bill O'Reilly is completely worthless.

Bill Press: O'Reilly's 'No-Spin Zone' is nothing but spin This article has nothing to do with my opinion directly, but this person has been pointing out Bill O'Reilly's BS for some time. I thought it would only be fair to link his article before I posted what I had to say.


Bill O'Reilly is completely worthless. He continues to say he does not take sides yet constantly defends President Bush. Tonight Bill (08/17/05) was pretty obvious about trying to attack President Clinton. Mr O'Reilly focused on Bill Clinton being at fault for 9/11. Mr. O'Reilly get your head out of the ass of President Bush and read a newspaper; 9/11 happened in 2001, not during the Clinton administration. As a republican, I hate Bill O'Reilly being on our side. Please go help out the liberals - your hurting the conservatives more than I can even explain. Mr O'Reilly, the one thing you've got down is spin.

The facts are this easy.

#1) 9/11 happened in 2001, so lets focus on what happened in 2001 that allowed the attacks to happen. As far as I can remember, Clinton wasn't in office during this attack; but I am sure Bill O'Reilly's trying to figure out a way to spin the news in a way to make it Clinton's fault.

#2) Bill O'Reilly = Rush Limbaugh. The two biggest differences between the two are Rush is on Radio and Bill is on TV; and Rush does drugs and Bill molests his employees.

#3)Osama Bin Laden is still running around. I really don't care how or why he is running around plotting to kill Americans, lets just catch the guy.

I have a simple solution to a lot of our problems. Stop taking sides - we are all Americans. Bill O'Reilly needs to stop the lies. The dude takes sides so often it makes me sick. How about STFU and help find Osama Bin Laden. Maybe then you will be in a "NO SPIN ZONE."

In conclusion, Bill O'Reilly makes me sick. I listen to Rush Limbaugh and they sound virtually the same, but at least Rush doesn't hide like a little bitch. History is going to judge all the political figures so I really don't need to judge them. I may not agree with any of them very often, but I do agree that I want Osama to be found and brought to justice.

Until Next Time,


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