Wednesday, July 20, 2005

John G. Roberts Jr. Nominated to the Supreme Court.

This actually won't be long winded. I like this pick a lot. I am a moderate conservative and I feel this pick is in one sense risky but in another sense perfect. I have been critical recently of how President Bush has conducted himself as our President.

So here is a message to President Bush from someone like me. If we find out that Carl Rove was involved with disclosing Valerie Wilsons name to a member of the press; Carl Rove must be fired. Its pretty simple, keep your word. STOP the BS spin that he didn't "Give up" her real name by calling her Mrs Wilson. The one thing that regular Americans are sick (across party lines even) of is THE SPIN. Both sides need to stop this or "STOP IT OR I WILL BURY YOU ALIVE IN A BOX".

Until Next Time,


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