Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Big Brother IS watching you!

Read this article --> N. Orleans Installing Surveillance Cameras

Things like this are going to put our country into a very bad place. If you want to cause a civil war then continue to do the things that scare all Americans. Please pass laws that take away our rights, please pass laws that give more power to the government; and I promise you this, there will be War. If you do not believe me just take some time to read any documents wrote by our founding fathers. It comes down to our founding ideals and I am pretty sure the possiblity of our government spying on us was NOT in their founding strategy.

This is not a simple issue. Just think the government could post a camera outside your house and watch you; or watch their so called "enemies" whoever that maybe. Don't think for one moment its not possible because 20 years ago people didn't think it was possible to have cameras on every street corner. Anyone back in the day who said that it was possible (to have cameras all over) was a crazy or it was science fiction but now we are seeing it come true.

People, GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES. We need to put a stop to this craziness.
Big brother wants to watch you, so do something about it.

Until next time,


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