Monday, February 21, 2005

Waist Circumference Predicts Heart Disease Risk

Here is a link to The Article

I do understand with information like this what the scientists are trying to find. An easy way to identify "at risk" people maybe?
The question on my mind though is, why not just test every person who wants to be tested for cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood glucose levels?
Any standard will not be the catch all so why not just do everything you can to catch it all on an individual basis?

I guess I just don't understand the thinking behind making any type of index when you can just test each subject. There are plenty of examples of people having no weight problems, but having
cholesterol problems in some way or another. The size of your waist while important to some, may not be as important as finding out if they are actually healthy or not.

Every tool is wonderful in trying to help people but sometimes I feel that we depend to much on tools like this instead of common sense.

Until next time,


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