Wednesday, March 02, 2005

P2P what a wonderful world.

Showdown Looms for P2P Networks

Its sad that greed can try to keep the music/movie industry from having technology advance. I seriously do not think they understand how far reaching this would be if the Supreme Court said that P2P was illegal.

"Among the groups filing briefs in support of Grokster Tuesday were: the Consumer Federation of America, 60 intellectual property law professors, the American Conservative Union, the American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites), 17 computer science professors, the National Venture Capital Association, Intel Corp, the Computer and Communications Industry Association, and the Free Software Foundation."

If its not a concern about P2P in general these briefs would have never been filed. If Microsoft hasn't filed briefs it just boggles my mind why not.

Really it comes down to greed, greed and more greed. I do not download music illegally but I think what the greed is doing to the industry is just sad. We really need legal refrom here in the United States. I would greatly appreciate it if we put a similar law into effect as the U.K. law called the Security for Costs. Which keeps frivolous US-style SLAPP suits from being filed in the hope of harassing one's opponent, these are not possible in the UK because of this law.

When the first threat you hear come out of someones mouth is, I will sue you. There is something seriously wrong. Also if the first words from your mouth are, if you don't like it in this country leave. Hell no you moron if you can't remember freedom of expression your the one who needs to leave the damn country. Head to a middle east country where your opinion means shit and you can take it or leave it. Here in the United States we believe in debate and the right to express what you think is right and wrong with our great country.

I see something that the U.K. or any other country is doing right and I think we should at least check it out. You never know what you can learn from other cultures/countries until you open your mind. I know this seems like a new idea since recently people want to say, "do it our way, or the highway" Screw that line of thinking, if you think this way; please head to the nearest restroom with some rope and hang yourself. It will help our country out greatly and being the patriot you are you can feel great about helping our country lose one more moron.

Until next time,


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