Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cindy Sheehan: the new John Kerry.

Yup you heard it here, Cindy Sheehan is being treated exactly like John Kerry was during the election. I really feel sorry for this woman; losing any loved one is terrible. At least she can now be put up there with other famous FLIP FLOPPERS. President Bush accused John Kerry of Flip Flopping, and now his friends are doing the same to Cindy Sheehan.

News flash - people can change their minds. Especially after they have time to think about any one topic. President Bush has done this very thing himself. President Bush signed a bill in Texas that would allow a hospital to discontinue life support, against the families wishes, if the family member is brain dead (and if they are deemed too expensive to keep alive). In some cases children have been left to die. Recently, President Bush sided with Terry Shiavo's parents saying that her husband shouldn't remove the life support even though she was more than obviously brain dead. So is President Bush, Cindy Sheehan or even John Kerry Flip Floppers?

No - they all changed their minds when new information was introduced, or new feelings uncovered. As I said, I feel very sorry for Cindy Sheehan (and yes Terry Shiavo); any loss of life of a loved one just plain sucks.

The only thing I can tell you, Mrs. Sheehan, is that leaving Iraq will not bring your son back. His death would be in vain if we walk away now. We must finish what we started in Iraq.

Until Next Time,


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